El estilo contemporáneo es un estilo muy estructurado, con esto me refiero a que tiene determinados componentes que lo hacen único, y muchas veces es confundido con el estilo minimalista. Este estilo es acerca de lineas, estructura, espacios, texturas y sofisticasión.
En lo personal me gusta mucho este estilo, te da una sensacion de un espacio mas grande y abierto, sobre todo por que se utilizan colores neutrales que iluminan la habitación
Los colores principales para poder recrear este estilo son colores neutrales, blanco y negro, si decides utilizar un color brillante, lo demás tiene que ser en colores neutros para que ya sea la pared o algún mueble que es el color que sobresale, sea el punto de atención.
Este estilo es todo acerca de espacio y estructura, no requiere tanta ¨decoración¨ es mas sobre la estructura de los muebles que componen el conjunto completo, rasgos de la casa como por ejemplo: Techos altos, marcos de las puertas, algún tipo de pared que tenga textura y que sea el punto principal. las telas que puedes utilizar tienen que tener algún tipo de textura, pero sin mucho diseño, lo que se trata de conseguir es que a pesar que no se encuentra mucha ¨decoración¨ puedas ver puntos de atención en toda la casa sin recargar el look.
les dejo algunas ideas de como recrear este look
The contemporary style is a very structured style, by which I mean having certain components that make it unique, and is often confused with the minimalist style. This style is about lines, structure, space, textures and sophistication.
Personally, I really like this style, it gives you a feeling of a larger, open space, particularly because we use neutral colors that illuminate the room.
The key to recreating this style is using neutral, white and black colors, if you decide to use a bright color, the rest has to be in neutral colors if the bright color is either a wall or a piece of furniture that is the color that stands out.
This style is all about space and structure, does not require much decor is more on the structure of the furniture that makes the complete set, we are talking about features of the house such as: High ceilings, doorways, some walls with texture and that is the main point. fabrics that can be used have to have some sort of texture, but without much design, although there is not much ¨decor¨you can identify the focal points throughout the house without reloading the look.
The contemporary style is a very structured style, by which I mean having certain components that make it unique, and is often confused with the minimalist style. This style is about lines, structure, space, textures and sophistication.
Personally, I really like this style, it gives you a feeling of a larger, open space, particularly because we use neutral colors that illuminate the room.
The key to recreating this style is using neutral, white and black colors, if you decide to use a bright color, the rest has to be in neutral colors if the bright color is either a wall or a piece of furniture that is the color that stands out.
This style is all about space and structure, does not require much decor is more on the structure of the furniture that makes the complete set, we are talking about features of the house such as: High ceilings, doorways, some walls with texture and that is the main point. fabrics that can be used have to have some sort of texture, but without much design, although there is not much ¨decor¨you can identify the focal points throughout the house without reloading the look.
Here is some ideas on how you can recreate this look
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