The Ugly shoe trend!

I have been reading all over the place lately about ¨How trendy is the revival of the ¨Birkenstock- like sandal¨, and i mean COME ON!!!!!!. Seriously Céline? I think  the fur on the Birkenstock-like sandal on the Spring Collection of 2013 were a little bit to much. 

When it comes to wear comfortable shoes i´m all about it, around 2 and i half years i had a knee surgery and since that moment Flats, loafers and sandal have been my best friends and when i read this trend i needed to see how people actually wear this sandals with different outfits.

Comfortable? SURE!; Trendy? mmmm apparently; will i wear it? HELL NO!. When it comes to fashion some trends are just beyond my expectations. I´m a firm believer in renovate yourself every time that you can, in my personal opinion the most important is to use trends that you can actually take advantages of them, that you can wear that trend for years and never goes old. But the Birkenstock- like??  i really think that when they go out of trend ( and i hope very soon) people will regret paying over $500 for it. Will you pay over $500 for this shoes??


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